SKU: bi-office fl0117703
MPN: FL0117703
The Bi-Office Premium Flipchart Pad is a range of flipchart pad to suit any hardware or application. The Bi-Office Premium Flipchart Pads are one of the basics for any presentation and the most versatile tool for communication. Offering the widest range available in the market, Bi-Office Premium Flipchart Pads allows every page to be flipped or peeled, making it easy to show pre-prepared presentations and combine different groups of information. Number of Sheets, 20, Pad Type, Flipchart Pad, Paper Thickness, 60, Printed Type, Gridded, Size, A1, Verticals, Corporate, High quality paper, Easily fits all flipchart easels, Perforated for an easy tear off, Available in A1 and Euro sizes.